My son is 19 and I write YA. (Of course I was only 10 when he was born… don’t do the math, it will only make your brain hurt!) the point is I’m an adult writing for kids. This might be surprising for some but not the least bit out of the ordinary for me. My career has almost exclusively been in writing for kids. In fact, YA is actually at the older end of my creative spectrum. Yes, I’m aware that YA doesn’t garner the literary props that certain adult work does. But it’s a bandwidth I’m comfortable in. … Continue reading

Writing for YA
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One of the first things I would advise an aspiring writer to do would be to make friends with other aspiring writers. There’s nothing like having someone who really know what it takes to pull this off watching your back. I’m extremely grateful for my writer friends who got me over a tough spot today. I will be returning the favor soon, I’m sure. In the meantime I picked up this link from another writer’s blog… it is photographs of the writing rooms for a number of British Authors. She described the series as fascinating, saying she couldn’t get enough … Continue reading

On Writing
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It occurs to me that writers and prize fighters must share genetic material for this reason: when we get knocked down, neither of us has the good sense to stay there. We gasp and moan, but ultimately if we’re truly what we say we are, we shake it off, struggle to our feet, apply a band aid and maybe some chemicals to staunch the flow and then we fling ourselves back into the fray and go at it all over again. Perseverance is a a requirement for a published author!

On Writing
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Ever wonder how those Iris Scanner security locks work that are so popular in the spy movies? Yeah… me too. Follow this link to a visual breakdown of algorithm. A computer has been programmed to scan the iris of an eye and divide it into tiny segments and then to compare those segments with the eye they have on file in… well, the blink of an eye. Amazing. Huh?

teens + forensics
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Interesting article on CNN… a TEAM of STUDENTS join together in a CAMPUS CRIME CLUB to solve famous cold cases like Chandra Levy’s murder and Natalee Hollaway’s disappearance. Wow! That’s a GREAT idea. Somebody should write a book. Oh wait… I already DID! Read the article… then hopefully my book!

teens + forensics
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